lunedì 8 febbraio 2016


Ciao a tutti! Settimana di puro divertimento per noi di Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog: SPRITZ AND SPRAY è il nostro tema!
Credo non ci sia bisogno di aggiungere nulla se non che avete a disposizione una quantità enorme di prodotti tra cui scegliere! Gli sprays sono fantastici, versatili e molto divertenti da usare!

Hi to everyone! This week we have a very fun theme on Simon Says Monday Challenge Blog: SPRITZ AND SPRAY! There are so many sprays available from lots of different manufacturers, but you can also make your own and tailor make the colors to suit your project! We will be looking forward to seeing what you decide to use!

Adoro questo challenge, adoro i colori vivaci, adoro gli sprays! I  Distress sprays sono i miei preferiti per la loro caratteristica di reagire all'acqua!
Per il mio progetto ho creato uno sfondo arcobaleno in mezzo al grigio della mia tela! Credo assolutamente nella magia e nell'effetto terapeutico del colore!

I absolutely love this challenge! Sprays are  some of my favourite products and I adore to work with them! I had fun coloring a rainbow with Distress Sprays to surround the globe and to play with stencils and stamps, creating a  contrast with gray color to the external of my canvas. I believe in the magic of colors!

Ho preparato  per voi  un piccolo tutorial!

I made for you a little tutorial!

Primo passo: scegliere i colori, spruzzarli sul tappetino per creare un arcobaleno e spruzzare con poca acqua il cartoncino da acquerello che userete.
Fatto questo appoggiate senza premere troppo e molto velocemente il vostro cartoncino, giratelo e asciugate subito con la heat gun. L'arcobaleno è fatto! Fate questa operazione veramente molto in fretta perchè altrimenti i colori si mischiano e ne esce una cosa inguardabile! Esperienza personale!

First step: I chose the colors to use, I misted my sprays to create a rainbow and I dampened with a few  drops of water my Watercolor cardstock.
After this I have placed the card on the colors (without pressing too much) and behold the magic: a rainbow!
This  step  should be done very quickly,  immediately  you must be used  the heat gun to capture the colors. If you go slow you risk to mix too much  the colors, creating an  undefined shade!

Secondo passo: preparare la tela che misura 18 x 24 ( 7 x 9,5 inch ) . Stendo il solito strato di gesso bianco, poi timbro con Versamark e polvere clear con uno sfondo. Io ho scelto questo a quadretti piccoli di Tim Holtz.  E poi mi sono creata uno spray con i Distress paint.  Volevo provare a spruzzare un tipo di colore che attecchisse sul gesso e con i Distress sprays questo è un pochino più complicato. I Distress paints invece mi sembravano perfetti ma sono troppo densi da spruzzare. Quindi ho fatto questo esperimento e ho mischiato qualche goccia d'acqua al mio Distress paint Hicory smoke e ho spruzzato! Quello che volevo!

Second step: prepare the canvas  18 x 24 (7 x 9.5 inch). As  usual I've spread a layer of white gesso.
I stamp my background with Versamark and clear embossing powder to create resist effect.
I've created my own spray with  Hickory smoke Distress paint mixed with water. This kind of spray adhere so well to my  background!

Per creare un pò di movimento nel grigio ho aumentato pian piano la dose di nero.  Per le macchie ho usato uno dei miei stencil preferiti di Tim Holtz insieme alla Texture paste colorata con  Black soot e Hickory smoke.

Once all has dried , I stenciled  my canvas  with texture paste tinted with  Black soot Distress paint.

Con la texture paste colorata ho rifinito anche l'esterno della tela, completando con un tissue tape a zig zag.

 I finished external of the canvas with the same tinted Texture paste and I completed with a tissue tape.

Close ups

Adoro la frase che ho scelto! E' bellissima e ho potuto "illustrarla" grazie a due fustelle Tim Holtz/Sizzix  entrambe eccezionali: il globo e la parola Believe.  Quando l'ho ricevuta in occasione dell'evento Holiday inspiration  series sul blog di Tim, ho pensato che era perfetta per il momento. Non riuscivo a pensare ad un utilizzo differente ... invece ne ha eccome di utilizzi differenti! Spero che questo vi ispiri! 
Per il globo ho usato Metallic Core'dinations Silver stropicciato e colorato con la tecnica della tag di Gennaio 2016, Industrious metal. 
Come sempre ora tocca a voi!

I adore the quote that I have chosen!  I've "illustrated" this quote with two fantastic dies by  Tim Holtz / Sizzix: the Globe and the word Believe. When I received the die "Believe"  for the event Holiday inspiration series on Tim's blog, I thought it was perfect for the moment. I couldn't think about a different use ... but it can be utilized  in many  different ways! I hope this will inspire you!
To cut the globe  I've used Core'dinations Silver Metallic crumpled and stained with the technique of January 2016, Industrious metal.
So now it’s YOUR turn to get out your inks, paints and all things arty and start creating! We are looking forward to seeing what you make!

Come sempre Simon Says Stamp mette in palio un buono da 50 $ a estrazione da spendere sul favoloso shop on line! 

As always Simon Says Stamp will be giving away $50 voucher to shop at the fabulous Simon Says Stamp Store.
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Usate Instagram? Se lo fate potete aggiungere  #sssmchallenge e così potremo vedere anche qui i vostri progetti!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto! 
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!


Distress Sprays  Candied Apple, Picked Raspberry, Carved Pumpkin, Squeezed Lemonade, Twisted Citron, Peacock feather, Blueprint Sketch.
Distress paints Hickory Smoke, Black Soot, Picket fence.
Distress marker Hickory smoke

Tim Holtz/Sizzix Handwritten Believe
Tim Holtz Sizzix Globe thinlits
Tim Holtz Stampers Anonymous Graph & Croc
Tim holtz Layering stencil Splatters
Tim Holtz layering stencil Speckles

Metal arrows
Big chat stickers
Label letters
Mirrored stars
Laboratorie Tissue tape

Ranger embossing powder Clear
Ranger Dina Wakley Gesso
Ranger Texture Paste
Grumbacher Palette knife Set
Ranger Watercolor Paper
Core'dinations Kraft core Metallic
Ranger Non stick Craft Sheet
Ranger Heat it Craft Tool
Tim Holtz Distress Splatter Brush

27 commenti:

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans ha detto...

Lovely canvas Barbara, love the bright colour palette and texture you added. Love the splats too. Tracy x

experiments in paper ha detto...

Gorgeous!! Love your colors and the die you chose! xx Lynn

Paula Cheney ha detto...

Love your wonderful piece Barbara. The colors are fantastic and I love that you re-purposed a Christmas die for everyday! SO smart!

Lorraine A ha detto...

LOVE this Barbara! the rainbow of colours around the world is fabulous with the dark splotchy cosmos in the background, absolutely FABULOUS :-)

Lols x x x

Zoey | Scrapsaurus ha detto...

Yaya, i love it! I said it already but...who cares!!! I want to say it again!!!
Love the rainbow effect, it ties everything together xxx

Marci ha detto...

Thank you for the tutorial and tips, this is wonderful!

Unknown ha detto...

I really liked your tag. I am new to this Simon Says Stamp blog, and had not heard of the industrial metal technique. I will have to look that up.

Unknown ha detto...

I really liked your tag. I had not heard of the industrial metal technique, but it really drew me to your work. I will have to look that up. Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown ha detto...

I really liked your tag. I had not heard of the industrial metal technique, but it really drew me to your work. I will have to look that up. Thanks for the inspiration.

A Pink ha detto...

A Fantastic piece ! Barbara Love the vibrant rainbow colours against the fabulous monotone background canvas . The globe ( one of my faves and I really must start to use mine ) looks superb with its industrial appearance .
hugs x

SD pooja ha detto...

Wow..Its Awesome ..the rainbow colored panel pops beautifully on b& W bg !

Stephanie ha detto...

A rainbow of BEAUTY, Barbara!! Just a stunning piece!!

Simon Says Stamp

Marcie Lovett ha detto...

Came over from SSS to say how much I like the card!

Barb ha detto...

Bellissimo Barbara! Love the colour combo with the dark canvas...stunning!

Kitty ha detto...

Love love LOVE this!!!

Sandra ha detto...

So cool and colorful, Barbara! Love all the gorgeous texture! The splatters in the back are fab and the globe is amazing! Hugs, Sandra

Maura ha detto...

Oh, Barbara, your magic of colors definitely shines through! I love the bright colors you have chosen for this, and the design is beautiful too. Love this!

Candy C ha detto...

Wow Barbara! What a fantastic piece! I love your bright splashes of color among the black and white backgrounds. Your globe die looks very cool on top of all of those blended colors! Love the sentiment and the "believe" in white. Thank you for the very kind thoughts you left on my blog.

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Love the gorgeous rainbow colours against the monochrome background panel - fabulous!
Alison xx

Anita Houston The Artful Maven ha detto...

This is absolutely fabulous Barbara! I LOVE the burlap background in black and white and fabulous color on the card!

Cassandra aka Scrap Savvy ha detto...

Love this piece! The colours are so cheery, the design is fab, and the canvas background distressing layers are outstanding!

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

Such a gorgeous creation, Barbara. The background colors are amazing. :)

Emma Williams ha detto...

This is such a beautiful piece of artwork, Barbara! The background colours are stunning and I love all the different textures, which make me want to reach into the screen and stroke, it's fabulous work as always! :)

D.Ann C ha detto...

Love those colors!

Anna-Karin ha detto...

Gorgeous canvas Barbara! I love the colourful background together with the cool globe.

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

Another absolutely GORGEOUS piece! Love your talent with blending colors and how your style is so fresh and unique. This turned out beautifully!

Unknown ha detto...

This is absolutely fabulous
Thank for your always encouraging me

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