lunedì 1 aprile 2019


Ciao a tutti! Mese nuovo e sfida nuova per Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog: Don't be fooled be foil! Usare il foil è uno dei trend del momento e quindi anche noi abbiamo voluto proporvelo e vedere come lo utilizzerete nei vostri lavori!
Marchio in vetrina oggi Gina K Designs, non è obbligatorio che usiate questo marchio per partecipare ma se possedete qualcosa ci piacerebbe vedere come lo usate!
Con immenso piacere oggi vi presento un'altra designer italiana che ci terrà compagnia per tutto Aprile come Designer Spotlight, Sabrina meglio conosciuta come La Sab, QUI il suo veramente fantastico Blog It's time to Create Mixed media Corner. 

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Thank you for joining us for the Play With Paint Challenge and we hope you will all join us again this week too.
This week we are challenging you to 
Don’t Be Fooled Be Foiled!
As this is April Fools Day we thought we would have some fun with a play on words! Foiling is very ‘en trend’ at the moment and there are so many texchniques that we can use to apply foil to our creations!
As it is the first week of the month we are showcasing a particular company and this week we are all using some fabulous Gina K Designs Products!
This week we are welcoming the super talented Sabrina aka It’s Time To Create-My Mixed Media Corner 

Lo so... questo lavoro è un pochino pazzo....ho visto lo stencil con le onde Making Waves di Gina K Designs e subito ho pensato di abbinarci i due timbri di Tim Holtz Stampoers Anonymous The Professor e la piovra di Sea Life!
Ho pensato che il sentiment Creativity takes courage fosse perfetto perchè in effetti l'abbinamento è azzardato!
Qualche parola su come l'ho realizzato.
Ho iniziato con il solito strato di gesso steso però con una spatolina che mi creasse già una live texture.
Su metà della tela che misura 15 x 15 cm ( 5 3/4 x 5 3/4 inch)  ho usato lo stencil Making Waves insieme a Nuvo expanding Mousse... adoro questa pasta. Quando la scaldi crea una texture spettacolare che puoi colorare come vuoi o lasciarla nel colore originale. Devo ringraziare la mia compagna di squadra Macarena per avermi fatto conoscere questa Mousse!

I know ... this job is a little crazy .... I saw Making  Waves Stencil  by Gina K Designs and immediately I thought to combine two Tim's stamps: The Professor and the octopus by  Sea Life set!
I thought the Creativity takes courage sentiment was perfect because in fact the combination I made today is a little bit ... risky!
A few words about how I created this canvas.
I started with the usual layer of white gesso spread with a spatula that already created a slight texture.
On half of the canvas measuring 15 x 15 cm (5 3/4 x 5 3/4 inch) I used  Making Waves by Gina K Designs together with Nuvo expanding Mousse ... I love this Mousse. When you heat it creates a spectacular texture that you can color as you like or leave it in the original color. I have to thank my lovely teamie Macarena for this!

Ho utilizzato Distress Crayons in 3 tonalità di azzurro/verde e ho aggunto lo stencil Bubble con Texture transparent Gloss. Asciugata kla Texture paste gloss ho passato sopra per evidenziare il disegno Picket fence Distress crayons. Ho stampato su Idea-ology Plain Collage Paper la piovra e The Professor e ho evidenziato alcuni particolari con Uniball signo gel white.

I used Distress Crayons in 3 shades of blue / green and I added  Tim Holtz Bubbles stencil with Texture transparent Gloss. Once Texture paste dried I used Picket fence Distress Crayns over the bubbles. I stamped Octopus and The Professor on Idea-ology Plain Collage Paper and highlighted some details with Uniball Signo gel white pen

Il mio cuore preferito.... Faceted heart di Tim Holtz non poteva assolutamente mancare!

My favorite heart ... Tim Holtz's Faceted heart couldn't miss it!

Nella foto sopra  si vede bene dove ho utilizzato il foil Frozen Shiny Ranger: sopra la texture create con la Expanding mousse in modo da rendere più brillante il lavoro. Ho rifinito con Idea ology Chatter design Tape.

In the picture above you can clearly see where I used  Frozen Shiny Ranger foil: over the texture created with the Expanding mousse so as to make the work more brilliant. I finished with a Idea ology Chatter design Tape.

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP! Potete aggiungere fino a 5 progetti per settimana!
The lovely folks over at Simon Says Stamp are generously giving away a FABULOUS $50 voucher to shop at the  Simon Says Stamp Store! All you have to do is take out your crafty supplies, make something following this week’s prompt, and add a link in the Inlinkz at the bottom of this post! You can join 5 times so you could have 5 chances to win! How AWESOME is that!! All winners are chosen randomly, so everyone has an equal chance to win! Woo Hoo!! Good Luck to everyone! The Design Team is looking forward to seeing your transportation makes and will pop around to visit you ASAP!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

11 commenti:

Paula Cheney ha detto...

this is AWESOME!!!!!

Beulah Bee ha detto...

This is so good and so clever! A true artist is not afraid to take risks and I love it when you do :)

Maura ha detto...

Definitely a cool steampunk style project, Barbara! If he is not the Kraken, I bet he is related! Love all the blues, and your imagination hard at work here! Maura

Macarena ha detto...

Wow! This is so cool! Love this heavy texture on the background and all those deep dark colors. The mix of images is stunning and the Professor looks quite nice as an octopus :-) Hugs, Macarena

Kath Stewart ha detto...

I'm loving my adorable Professor with his Octopus Head and that background is so beautiful, hugs kath xxx

Anna-Karin ha detto...

This is so clever Barbara!! What a fantastic idea! I love the octopus Professor and all the shine and texture.

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

Gorgeous work, as always! You do such an amazing job week after week and I love how this project really brings the sea to life! Beautiful textures and rich colors are what you're known for!

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

This is such a fantastic creation, Barbara. Love the beautiful colors and the texture you created are awesome! :)

Sandra ha detto...

This is stunning, Barbara! I love the squid man with his creepy eyes! The texture is amazing and love the colors so much! Hugs, Sandra

Zoey | Scrapsaurus ha detto...

CHE MERAVIGLIA!!!!!!! Questo cuore lo stai personalizzando ogni volta!! bravissima!

Claudia N. ha detto...

Definitely a courageous project, Barbara ;)
Love it! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

Claudia x

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