lunedì 4 marzo 2019


Ciao a tutti!! Febbraio è davvero volato via! Prima settimana di Marzo e quindi nuova sfida, nuova Designer Spotlight e nuovo marchio per tutto il Design Team su Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!!
In ordine: 
Tema settimanale Whatever the weather
Designer Spotlight: orgogliosamente un'altra meravigliosa italiana Lisa Rabellino ( QUI il suo imperdibile Blog!)
Marchio: rullo di tamburi per ... Tim Holtz, direi quasi impossibile non partecipare...

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Thank you for joining us for the VintageChallenge and we hope you will all join us again this week too.
This week we are challenging you to look to the skies!
Whatever The Weather
As it is the first Monday of the month we are showcasing a particular company or designer. This week we are all using products designed by the fabulous Tim Holtz
This week we are welcoming  the lovely and super talented Lisa Rabellino into the Designer Spotlight. If you haven’t visited her blog you are in for a real treat! Please pop by to say ‘Hi’

Sotto una stella e sotto ai raggi di sole di uno stencil di Tim Holtz ecco la mia Etcetera tag di questa settimana dedicata alla creatività, all'immaginazione, al pensiero!
Tutto il materiale che ho usato è di Tim Holtz... ma per me diciamolo sinceramente non è stata una sfida difficile...

Under a star and sunrays by Tim Holtz here is my Etcetera tag this week dedicated to creativity, imagination, thought!
All the material I used is from Tim Holtz ... but for me let's honestly say it was not a difficult challenge ...

Ho iniziato con due Embossing folder e il blocco di cardstock metallizzati usando il colore argento.
Come secondo step ho ricoperto la mia Etcetera tag misura Mini e ho iniziato con gli acrilici. Io amo mischiare  Black soot e Ground espresso, si ottiene un indefinito colore che può essere interpretato sia come nero che come marrone. per i punti più chiari che somigliano a una patina ho usato Broken China, Antique linen e Brushed corduroy tutti stesi con le dita, fatico moltissimo con i pennelli in questo momento!
A questo punto un pochino di carta vetrata o lima da unghie ( io preferisco la lima da unghie di cartone...) sulle parti in rilievo in modo davvero leggero per  non togliere tanto colore.

I started with two Embossing folders and a cardstock metallic, silver color.
As a second step I covered  tag with metallic embossed cardstock and I started with acrylics. I love to mix Black Soot and Ground espresso, you get an indefinite color that can be interpreted both as black and brown. For the lightest spots that look like a patina I used Broken China, Antique linen and Brushed corduroy all spread with my fingers.
At this point a little bit of sandpaper  on the embossed parts but  in a really light way to  remove a little bit of color.

Il punto focale è lcostituito dalla nuova fustella Voltage di Tim Holtz. Lo ammetto all'inizio ero molto indecisa, non avevo capito esattamente come avrei potuto usarla... una volta avuta nelle mie mani ho capito che sarebbe stato amore! Ho inserito al di sotto del cerchio un timbro del set Inventror 2 e l'ho colorato. Per completare la mia idea ho aggiunto lo stencil Burst e due timbri dal set Noble gent.

For the focal point I used the new Voltage die by Tim Holtz. I admit it at the beginning I was very undecided, I did not understand exactly how I could use it ... once in my hands I realized it would be love! I inserted a stamp from the Inventor 2 set below the circle and colored it. To complete my idea I added the Burst stencil and two stamps from the Noble Gent set.

Non potevano mancare gli ingranaggi... in questo momento non ne posso quasi fare a meno...
tutti colorati con gli stessi acrilici così come la fustella Voltage.
Ho giocato ancora un pochino con il colore per evidenziare i raggi e ho aggiunto un pochino di  Distress Crayons metallizato.

The gears could not be missing ... all colored with the same acrylics as the Voltage die.
I played  with the color to highlight the rays and I added a little bit of metallized Distress Crayons.

Per finire non potevo non aggiungere l'iniziale del nome di Tim a cui ovviamente la tag è dedicata , dal momento che per me è sempre una incredibile fonte di ispirazione! Ognuno di noi ha i suoi miti e lui per me lo è... lo sapete da tempo!
Spero che vi sia piaciuta!

As a final step  it was right to add the letter T, Tim's initial to which obviously the tag is dedicated. Tim is always an incredible source of inspiration for me! 
I hope you enjoyed it!

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP! Potete aggiungere fino a 5 progetti per settimana!
The lovely folks over at Simon Says Stamp are generously giving away a FABULOUS $50 voucher to shop at the  Simon Says Stamp Store! All you have to do is take out your crafty supplies, make something following this week’s prompt, and add a link in the Inlinkz at the bottom of this post! You can join 5 times so you could have 5 chances to win! How AWESOME is that!! All winners are chosen randomly, so everyone has an equal chance to win! Woo Hoo!! Good Luck to everyone! The Design Team is looking forward to seeing your transportation makes and will pop around to visit you ASAP!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Questa tag partecipa a 2 Challenge
This tag is my entry for two Challenges
1) Marzo sul Blog Sandee & amelie's Steampunk challenges Anything goes Steampunk/Industrial 
2) A Vintage Journey CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY - Happy Birthday AVJ Il tema è il viaggio e la mia tag si adatta all'argomento in quanto  è dedicata a Tim Holtz che è l'artista che mi ha fatto capire quale fosse la vera direzione del mio viaggio creativo.
Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
1) Sandee & amelie's blog Steampunk challenges Anything goes Steampunk / Industrial March
2) A Vintage Journey CELEBRATE THE JOURNEY - Happy Birthday AVJ The theme is the journey and my tag fits the topic as it is dedicated to Tim Holtz who is the artist who made me understand what was the real direction of my creative journey.
Thanks for stopping by , see you soon here!


18 commenti:

Lisa H ha detto...

SOOOOO cool Barbara!!! I love this!

Lorraine A ha detto...

Fabulous tag Barbara :-) I love all of the metallic looking texture you have on here, the whole industrial theme is absolutely awesome!! :-)

Hope you have a great week!
Lols x x x

scrappergirl56 ha detto...

This is crazy the effect of the paint on the metallic cardstock and the embossing Voltage die is in the mail for delivery TODAY! Yippee!!! Can hardly wait for it to get here so I can play...

Nancy Wethington ha detto...

Great tag. Love the colors and all the layered elements. ha detto...

This is absolutely amazing!!!

Brenda Brown ha detto...

I love this tag Barbara, it certainly fired your imagination and what fabulous colours you used for it. The wonderfully textured background and layers of cogs and the voltage die-cut look superb and wonderfully aged. Thanks for sharing this at A Vintage Journey and joining in our birthday celebrations it is great having you in the line up and of course I also credit Tim as being a huge inspiration on my creative journey too. xxx

klistersøster ha detto...

Thank you for sharing with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges. Cool industrial tag with nice and interesting layers. Love your colors. Hugs, Susan

Annie ha detto...

Love all the details on your fantastic tag barbara x I was like you and a bit hesitant regarding some of the new releases but you have used this to perfection x Great to have you on board with us at AVJ for our celebrations xx

Best wishes
Annie CGxx

Licho_Nie_Spi ha detto...

Excellent in every each detail! I'm impressed, fine industrial work!
Thanks so much for sharing this piece of art with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges!

Anna-Karin ha detto...

This tag is wonderful Barbara! I love the metallic texture and all the rusty elements. The blue and red details are perfect.

Maura ha detto...

Freaking awesome tag, Barbara! Totally love the colors you pulled together here, they work so well, especially those pops of red! The way you've used the voltage meter with the face in it is brilliant! Thanks for sharing this with us at Sandee and Amelie's Steampunk Challenges...hugs, Maura

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

This is such a stunning creation, Barbara. Love the awesome metallic texture and colors on the background. The gear and voltage embellishments are awesome! :)

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

It was so fun to see how we both used the Voltage die this week! I really like how different people can use the same crafty supplies in such different ways. Your tag is stunning and is very much in that Tim Holt style that you do SO WELL!

Kath Stewart ha detto...

love the amazing metallic texture, the colour palette and how you added that cute Inventor guy peeking out from the Voltage die, genius, hugs kath xxx

Sandra ha detto...

What a stunning tag, Barbara! Love the amazing color combo! and all the industial pieces that you combined into this master piece! Hugs, Sandra

sarascloset ha detto...

Barbara, I couldn't wait to get over to see and read about the details on your blog, having seen this on the TH Addicts FB page and seeing it at SSS. What a delight! I love every single detail on this, especially your beautiful use of color and texture! I was not sold on this die, either, but seeing it here made me add it to the wish list. Gorgeous make, as ALWAYS! Thank you so much for celebrating our 5th year with us at A Vintage Journey! Hugs!

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Such fantastic textured work - your vivid colours are so cool with the industrial vibe. Sorry I'm such a poor visitor lately - but glad to catch this over at AVJ. Thanks so much for joining us at A Vintage Journey to celebrate our 5th birthday.
Alison x

Julia Aston ha detto...

Wonderful mix of red and blue and such a fun design with the die cuts you used Barbara - thanks for sharing with us at A Vintage Journey! xx

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