venerdì 21 luglio 2017


Ciao a tutti! Sono emozionata nel presentarvi il mio primo Journal realizzato per A Vintage journey Blog, grazie per avermi dato questa possibilità!   Ho pensato di realizzare per la prima volta un Journal con la splendida fustella di Eileen Hull che potesse raccogliere i ricordi delle vacanze di quest'anno. Credo sia un'idea  adatta alla stagione e soprattutto non vedevo l'ora di lavorare con questa meravigliosa  e super versatile fustella!

Hello everyone! I'm excited to introduce you to my first Journal for "A Vintage Journey Blog", thank you for giving me this chance! I decided to create a Journal with  Eileen Hull's Journal die to keep memories and pictures  of this year's summer holidays. I think it's a good idea for the season and especially I couldn't wait to work with this wonderful and super-versatile die!

Qualche immagine per documentare il procedimento con cui ho realizzato gli sfondi per le copertine sia esterne che interne.
Il tema da seguire era "ALL SQUARED UP" quindi ho deciso di usare lo stencil Tiles per gli angoli del mio lavoro.
Prima di usare lo stencil ho preparato lo sfondo in questo modo

Some pictures to document the process by which I created the backgrounds for the covers.
The theme to follow was "ALL SQUARED UP" so I decided to use stencil Tiles by Tim Holtz  for the corners of my work.
Before using the stencil I made the background in this way.

Ho iniziato con un foglio di Heavystock tagliato nella misura esatta della copertina e ho spruzzato gli spray sul tappetino, poi ho tamponato e lavorato con gli Oxides e gli spray.

I started cutting a sheet from  Heavystock,  I cut the exact size of the cover, I sprinkle the sprays on my mat  then I inked it  and worked with the Distress sprays,  Oxides and water.

Nelle due foto sopra vi mostro come ho lavorato con gli stencil,  purtroppo non ci sono tutte le foto che avrei voluto, ma io lavoro in modo molto istintivo e mi riesce difficile ricordare di fotografare tutti i passaggi! Mi scuso!
Qualche close ups!

In the two pictures above I show you how I worked with the stencils, unfortunately there aren't all the pictures, but I work in a very instinctive way  and it's so hard for me  remember to take picture of every steps! I'm sorry!
Some close ups!

Sulla costa del journal ho usato della garza spruzzata con Distress spray Evergreen bough, vari pezzi idea-ology, qualche perla , una conghiglia vera....

On the spine of my journal  I used  a little bit of cheesecloth and a lot of Idea- ology pieces, a real seashell, some beads...

Il cavalluccio marino è uno dei miei elementi estivi preferiti e qui ho tentato l'esperimento di mizre una fustella a un timbro per creare il punto centrale della decorazione.

The sea horse is one of my favorite summer elements and here I tried the experiment to mix a die with a stamp to create the focal point of the decoration.

Nel retro ho usato elementi che ricordassero la natura, le montagne, io ogni anno vado una settimana in vacanza sulle Dolomiti e quindi nulla mi sembrava più adatto di qualcosa che ricordasse boschi e natura!

In the back I used various elements that remind the nature, the mountains. Every year I go to the Dolomites so I thought that it's  perfect to add something that reminded woods and nature!

Per creare le parole ho usato l'alfabeto di Tim Holtz e varie fustelle con le scritte sempre di Tim ( la lista dei materiali la trovate in fondo al post!)

To create the words I used  Tim Holtz Deco alphabet and different dies with the words already made (the list of the materials found at the bottom of the post!)

Il post è piuttosto ricco di foto, spero vi siano piaciute e di avervi dato qualche idea per conservare i vostri ricordi delle vacanze! Un enorme grazie al team di A Vintage journey per questa splendida opportunità, è stato un onore e un piacere essere con voi oggi!
Grazie per essere passati ci vediamo qui presto!

The post is full of photos, I hope you enjoyed it and gave you some idea to keep your  holidays memories! A huge thanks to  "A Vintage Journey" team for this wonderful opportunity, it was an honor and a pleasure to be with you today!
Thank  for stopping by, see you here  soon!

17 commenti:

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Wow Barbara, this is the most delightful journal with beautiful elements adorning it and perfect for those summer memories. Thanks sharing your creative talent with us at A Vintage Journey xxx

froebelsternchen ha detto...

An eyecatcher - absolutely adorable!

Astrid Maclean ha detto...

Oh Barbara, tis is completely stunning!!! Such an amazing journal cover and I totally LOVE how you created the inside pages too! Brilliant work and thank you so much for the inspiration, I LOVE this!!!

Redanne ha detto...

Barbara, this is my new favourite piece of your work, it is totally gorgeous!! I love how you mixed the sea with the land on the covers, it is inspired and very original. You have showcased Eileen's journal so beautifully! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent and being our guest at A Vintage Journey again..... Hugs, Anne xxx

LauraVi ha detto...


Christina ha detto...

I love your summer journal, Barbara!! Thank you for sharing. The buckle and chain on the side is a clever idea and ties in with the theme. Awesome and very inspiring! I just bought my Eileen Hill Journal die and can't wait to use it...., what did you use for the base of the journal, it's so vintage looking.

Christina xx

Christina ha detto...

Hi Barbara, I really love your journal! Especially the idea ology finds on the side, they tie in nicely to your theme. What did you use as a base for the journal die, I just bought mine and I'm not sure where to start, lol

Christina xx

Anonimo ha detto...

Toutes mes félicitations ,ton projet est fabuleux de belles couleurs et de matières pour cette couverture . à bientot NATE

SewPaperPaint ha detto...

So many things to love here Barbara and so fun to see you play with this new journal die. My favorite bits are the layered stamped/cut seahorses, the use of the branch die beneath the row of trees, and the clever combination of stencil work on the covers - all brilliant details! We are so honored to have you join us and truly appreciate the inspiration. Hugs, Autumn

Lisa H ha detto...

I love everything about this Barbara! It is fabulous. =)

Sab_myart ha detto...

tutto meraviglioso come i tutti i tuoi lavori!!!! ho letto tutto molto bene e guardato le foto.... non conoscevo la pasta crackle.... la acquisterò sicuramente! grazie

Karen ha detto...

Wow this is so awesome!!! Love it!

Marci ha detto...

I especially love the back cover and the August page. Beautiful!

Words and Pictures ha detto...

This is such a stunning creation, Barbara - I fell head over heels in love with it over at AVJ - and I'm so thrilled to get to see more close-ups of the glorious textures and details you've included on your incredible journal. The wavy crackle is such a beautiful gentle shade of duck egg blue; the layered butterfly is so lovely as are all the fabulous inky effects - and the seahorse is just amazing. Wonderful wonderful work, and so great to have you with us on the Vintage Journey this month.
Alison x

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Surely I came and commented here - I remember going on and on about the various beauties of texture, colour and incredibly layering of ideas here! Maybe you just haven't okayed the comment yet? In any case, it's a glorious journal and wonderful to have you with us this month on the Vintage Journey.
Alison x

A Pink ha detto...

Absolutely fabulous journal ! Barbara. Thanks for being a guest designer at AVJ today and for sharing your super creativity with us. This really is a super super project .
hugs x

scrappallino ha detto...

Straodinario Journal!!!

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