lunedì 3 luglio 2017


Ciao a tutti! prima settimana di Luglio e tema super classico proposto da Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog: RED WHITE AND/OR BLUE! Ovviamente chi vuole può ispirarsi al 4 Luglio oppure potete semplicemente usare questi colori nel vostro progetto! Oggi tutto il Design Team ha creato con prodotti Sizzix, so che rimarrete stupiti dalla varietà di stili  dei nostri lavori! Per chi partecipa alla sfida non è obbligatorio usare prodotti Sizzix ma ( io sono sicura tutti voi avete almeno un a fustella di questa marca!) se li avete ci farebbe piacere vedere come li utilizzate!
Prima settimana per la nostra nuova Designer Spotlight  di Luglio: Beulah Bee, un grande ritorno! Vi consiglio di vedere il suo blog, la sua originalità e capacità di costruire storie con immagini è unica!

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Thank you for joining us for the Stencil It Challenge and we hope you will all join us again this week too.
This week we are challenging you to RED WHITE and/or BLUE.
It will be Independence Day here in the United States tomorrow, there will be huge processions, Stars and Stripes flying, fireworks and generally lots of people having fun! We would love for you to join in the party by creating something using one or all of the red/white/blue colours. We will be looking forward to seeing whatever colour/s you choose to use!
This week we are showcasing some fabulous Sizzix Products. Sizzix produce a huge range of Die Cut Machines, Craft Dies, Embossing Folders and so much more, you don’t have to use them to join in but if you have them we would love to see them used!
First week for our new Designer Spotlight in July: Beulah Bee! Welcome back Beulah! I recommend you to see her blog, her originality and ability to build stories with pictures is unique!

Io sono rimasta sull'interpretazione più classica, dedicando come tutti gli anni questa sfida agli amici americani che festeggiano domani il 4 Luglio.

I have remained on the most classic interpretation, dedicating this challenge to American friends who celebrate Independence's Day !

Questa settimana ho optato per un home decor da appendere  e per realizzarlo  ho utilizzato un foglio di burlap adesivo preso dalla confezione di Idea-ology Textured surfaces.
Ho tagliato una cornice di cartoncino spesso e l'ho rivestita con una carta a tema di Tim.
Il foglio di burlap è stato ricoperto con la Ranger Texture Paste Opaque Crackle. Una volta asciugata e con le crepe in evidenza ho aggiunto in modo abbastanza casuale la cera Vintage Gold di Prima Marketing. Lo stesso ho fatto sui bordi della cornice, confesso che queste cere mi creano dipendenza!

This week I opted for a home decor and to make it I used an adhesive sheet of burlap taken from the Idea-Ology package  Textured surfaces.
I cut a thick cardboard frame and I've customized it with a Tim's  themed paper.
The burlap sheet was covered with the Opaque Crackle Ranger Texture Paste. When  it dried the  cracks was appeared and I  added quite randomly Prima Marketing Vintage  Gold Metallique Wax. The same thing I did on the edges of the frame, I confess this wax make me addict!

Per quanto riguarda Sizzix ho usato la fustella con la mappa degli Stati Uniti che trovo davvero favolosa! Ho preparato due fogli di Heavystock usando Distress Oxide e  Distress stain spray nei colori rosso e blu. Per il bianco ( che ammetto sia più color crema che bianco vero!) ho usato lo stesso processo ma con un foglio di Woodgrain cardstock.

As for Sizzix I used the die with the map of the United States that I think is really fabulous! I prepared two Heavystock sheets using Distress Oxide and Distress stain spray in the red and blue colors. For white (which I admit is more cream than white!) I used the same process but with a sheet of Woodgrain cardstock.

Ho completato il lavoro con vari pezzi Idea-ology e , credo ve ne sarete accorti, non posso più fare a meno delle Paper Dolls di Tim!

I have completed my work with various Idea-ology pieces and, I think you will be aware of it, I can not do without  Paper Dolls!

Per la decorazione in basso ho usato qualche glitter e parole prese dai blocchi Chita chat di Idea-ology, poi ho ricoperto tutto con Ice Resin, sapete che ogni tanto mi piace inserirlo nei miei lavori!

For decoration at the bottom I used some glitter and words taken from Idea-Ology Chit-chat sheets, then I covered everything with Ice Resin, you know that sometimes I like to add it  in my works.

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP!
As always Simon Says Stamp will be giving away $50 voucher to shop at the fabulous Simon Says Stamp Store!
So now it’s YOUR turn to get out your inks, paints and all things arty and start creating! We are looking forward to seeing what you make!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

20 commenti:

Anna-Karin ha detto...

This project is fantastic Barbara! I LOVE that gorgeous textured background and how you used the die to build up the flag. Perfect focal image too.

Macarena ha detto...

I am totally in awe! This is a piece of art! I am not american but would love to have it on my wall. It's incredible how perfectly it's done. The crackle background is amazing and the golden wax gave such a fabulous finish. The US map with red and blue is amazing. You're so creative and talented! Hugs, Macarena <3

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans ha detto...

Gorgeous Barbara, I adore how you used the Die in the background and the touches of gold are just a wonderful touch. Love the texture in the backdrop too. Hugs. Tracy. X

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

Wow.. this is such a fantastic creation, Barbara. The texture you created on the background and the frame are fabulous. :)

Catherine ha detto...

This is awesome, Barbara! The design is amazing and I love the texture in your background. Love it!

Cathie ♥

Redanne ha detto...

This is such a fabulous way to celebrate your friends in America Barbara! I love how you did the map in the red, white and blue, the burlap background looks fantastic... and the paper doll is just perfect! Hugs, Anne xx

Paula Cheney ha detto...

Love what you did with that background Barbara - how you made the US shape into a flag image. So VERY CLEVER!

Maura ha detto...

Barbara, this is such a cool piece! You totally rocked the red, white and blue with your states flag! Love the happy dancer, and the awesome message you included! hugs, Maura

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Love your take on the red, white and blue... the crackled background is gorgeous, and I love your dancing dreamer. Great finish on the frame itself too, and I love how you've used the two bookplates to celebrate freedom!
Alison x

Linda Kunsman ha detto...

oh my-this is gorgeous!!! I love all the vintage feel about this piece and the background-amazing!

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Stunning design with fabulous techniques and elements that have come together beautifully. Love it Barbara xxx

Art By Wanda ha detto...

Fabulous project!!!!

Stephanie ha detto...

Barbara!! This is TOTALLY stunning! I love every detail you meticulously thought of! You are amazing!

Simon Says Stamp!

Emma Williams ha detto...

Gorgeous textural project and I love what you did with the US die, that looks amazing and works so well as the background for your beautiful little paper doll...fabulous, as always Barbara! <3

Kath Stewart ha detto...

beautiful project every detail you used to celebrate the 4th of July....hugs kath xxx

Zoey | Scrapsaurus ha detto...

Un lavoro meraviglioso, come sempre del resto!
Adoro il modo che hai di vedere i colori - ogni volta è sempre una piacevole sopresa leggere i tuoi post e cercare di entrare per una frazione di secondo nella tua mente mentre crei!

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

This is GENIUS, Barbara! I struggle every single time with red, white and blue, yet you always do it perfectly! I especially love how you added the stars and how you added embellishments at the bottom!

Beulah Bee ha detto...

I am in love with your fearless, boundless, creativity. Perhaps you are a bit like the little miss here? Your projects always bring such joy to me.

Sandra ha detto...

What a stunning project, Barbara! Love the touches of gold and all the amazing texture! Hugs, Sandra

A Pink ha detto...

Oh Barbara this is such a fabulous piece of art. Such a terrific way to use the US die- so effective in the red , white and blue . It provides a wonderful backdrop for your dancing paper doll- a perfect choice given that dancing can be so liberating .
Big love for this my creative friend .
hugs x

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