lunedì 3 aprile 2017


Ciao a tutti e benvenuti a un'altra settimana con la sfida di Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! Oggi abbiamo voglia di vedere progetti colorati, l'argomento è MAKE A RAINBOW!  Aspettiamo di vedere dove vi porta la vostra creatività. Oggi come tutti i primi lunedì di ogni mese tutto il team, lavoro con un marchio specifico! Oggi è la volta di Tim Holtz, credo di non dover aggiungere altro! Per partecipare alla sfida non è obbligatorio usare i prodotti di Tim ma se li avete ci piacerebbe vedere come li usate!
E come ogni primo lunedì abbiamo una nuova Designer Spotlight: Amy Bethke aka Amy’s Card Obsession,visitate il suo blog per vedere le sue splendide creazioni.

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Thank you for joining us for the Things With Wings Challenge and we hope you will all join us again this week too.
This week we are challenging you to Make A Rainbow
This theme can be interpreted in many ways, you could choose to actually paint a rainbow or use a rainbow of bright colours on your project. We will be looking forward to seeing how you interpret this challenge!
We are showcasing Tim Holtz Products this week. You don’t have to use them to join in, but if you have them we would love to see them used!
We are welcoming the lovely and super talented Amy Bethke aka Amy’s Card Obsession into the Designer Spotlight. Please pop over to Amy’s fabulous blog and see the awesome creations she has made!

Per me è stata una settimana facilissima! Con tutti i nuovi prodotti di Tim, fustelle, Idea-ology e Distress oxides non avevo che l'imbarazzo della scelta! Le nuove Dolls sono veramente bellissime e anche oggi ho costruito intorno ad una di esse il mio progetto. Semplice e molto colorato! Ho scelto di usare un arcobaleno di Distress oxides: Worn Lipstick, Spiced marmalade,Fossilized amber, Cracked pistachio and Broken China!

For me this was an easy week! With all the new products by Tim, dies, Idea-ology and Distress oxides I had spoiled for choice! New Dolls are truly beautiful and even today I have built around one of them my project. Simple and  very colorful! I chose to create a rainbow with Distress oxides: Worn Lipstick, Spiced marmalade,Fossilized amber, Cracked pistachio and Broken China!

Ho usato una  Mini Framed Panel, misura meravigliosa, molto versatil! L'ho dipinta usando insieme Blueprint sketc, Chipped sapphire e un tocco di Black soot, non mischiando i colori ma sovrapponendoli in modo irregolare.  Una volta asciutta per illuminarla ho usato le nuove cere di Prima Marketing, qui nella versione Old Silver. Con gli stessi colori  ho preparato anche il pannello che fa da base al progetto, ho usato i Distress in versione ink pads. Ho aggiunto texture con la Ranger Transaprent gloss e un mini stencil  evidenziando i contorni con Distress Crayon bianco.

I used a Mini Framed Panel, very versatile! I painted using Blueprint sketch, Chipped sapphire and a touch of black soot, I haven't  mixed the colors but I've  layered them in a random way. Once paint has dried, I used new Metallique Wax by Prima Marketing Old Silver using my fingers. With the same colors I also prepared the panel that forms the basis for the project, I used Distress ink pads. I added textures with Ranger Transparent gloss and a mini stencil,  highlighting the contours with White Distress Crayon.

La nuova fustella di Tim  Sizzix Cityscape Skyline è spettacolare e versatilissima! Con i Distress oxides ho colorato un foglio di  Ranger Heavystock e poi ho tagliato e sovrapposto, usando del biadesivo con spessore per dare dimensione al progetto.

Sizzix  Cityscape Skyline is  a spectacular die! I've colored one piece  of Ranger Heavystock with my rainbow of Distress oxides and then I cut and overlapped , using double-sided adhesive  to add dimension to the project.

La finitura esterna e il nastro brillante sotto la scritta provengono dalle nuove confezione   Journey Design Tape Paperie.

The external finishing and the bright ribbon under the writing,  come from the new package Idea-ology  Journey Design Tape Paperie.

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP!
As always Simon Says Stamp will be giving away $50 voucher to shop at the fabulous Simon Says Stamp Store!
So now it’s YOUR turn to get out your inks, paints and all things arty and start creating! We are looking forward to seeing what you make!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

22 commenti:

Lorraine A ha detto...

Fabulous panel Barbara! I love the starry background and the bright coloured buildings with the little dancer twirling around them! This really does tell a story! LOVE it :-)

Lols x x x

Paula Cheney ha detto...

I for one LOVE the rainbow Cityscape that you created! What a great idea Barbara!

Catherine ha detto...

I love your rainbow city, Barbara, how clever! I have got to get out my oxides and start playing with them. Everything you've made since they came out is fabulous!

Cathie ♥

Macarena ha detto...

This is totally FANTASTIC, Barbara! You have rocked another project! I just LOVE the pastels on the buildings making a beautiful rainbow and love how you put them in layers and the aesome dancing girl is just a cherry on this pie! Hugs, Marzena

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans ha detto...

Gorgeous Barbara. Love the colours against the dark backdrop. Lovely design. Tracy x

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

Ogni volta che passo di qui resto a bocca aperta... E mi viene voglia di provare nuove strade (anche se poi non lo faccio, non ne ho il tempo ...). Grazie per le meravigliose ispirazioni!!! Questo pannello è galattico!!! Mi piace davvero tantissimo!!! Ogni piccolo dettaglio è una gioia per gli occhi e l'arcobaleno di colori sulla silouette della metropoli a strati.... mamma mia che spettacolo!!!!

Redanne ha detto...

They are such fun dies to use Barbara and you have certainly used them beautifully, I just love your gorgeous rainbow cityscape and the frame is stunning! Hugs, Anne xx

Sandra ha detto...

This is amazing, Barbara! Love the rainbow city and love that you've added dimension to it. The little girl looks very happy in her colorful city. Hugs, Sandra

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

I love, love, LOVE this project! You and I often buy the same products and we both used layered city dies this week! I love seeing the clever way you use your products. The color blending here is exquisite and I really love the blue background and the texture you added to it. Beautiful, as usual!

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Beautiful rainbow effects and such a clever design xxx

Linda Kunsman ha detto...

this is such a beautiful and dreamy scene-well done!

Maura ha detto...

Beautiful use of color! Love the cityscape (I can see this needs to go on my wishlist!) and the dancer! Love your creations Barbara!! hugs, Maura

Amy's Card Obsession ha detto...

Would happily hang this in my home! Love how you gave the cityscape dimension. And, I really need those paper dolls!

Beulah Bee ha detto...

This is so much fun! The dimensional quality is really great and the rainbow colors--outstanding.

A Pink ha detto...

Absolutely fantastic! Barbara. LOVE everything about! Brilliant concept, design and execution. Inspired creativity at its best!
An outright fave for me !
hugs x

Emma Williams ha detto...

Fantastic piece of artwork my friend and I love the dancing girl against the rainbow Cityscape, she looks perfect! <3

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

This is such a fantastic creation, Barbara. The colors the those layered buildings are amazing! :)

Anna-Karin ha detto...

Wow Barbara! This is amazing. I love how she is dancing around that dimensional city. Great finish on the frame too.

Kath Stewart ha detto...

beautiful project that sweet ballerina dancing her way across the rainbow colours on the buildings....hugs kath xxx

Marci ha detto...

I love this! The colors you achieved on your background and the cityscape compliment each other so well.

Anita Houston The Artful Maven ha detto...

PINNED...completely fabulous! From the exciting colors to the showoff every bit!

Anonimo ha detto...

Thanks for sharing about SIMON MONDAY CHALLENGE MAKE A RAINBOW................

Nautical Spot Light in UK

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