lunedì 27 marzo 2017


Ciao a tutti! L'aria di primavera  su Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog si sente parecchio e questa settimana per la  nostra sfida a tema , THINGS WITH WINGS, mi sono fatta ispirare proprio dalla stagione che sta arrivando! Non c'è bisogno che vi dica quante possibilità interpretative avete per questo argomento!
Questa è l'ultima settimana per la nostra Designer Spotlight di questo mese, Linda Kunsman aka Heartfully inspired, è stato un piacere averla con noi in questo periodo!

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.
Thanks for all of your fabulous entries into the ‘Layer It Up’ Challenge and we hope you will join in this week too!
This week we are challenging you to create Things With Wings.
This is Linda’s last week with us in the Designer Spotlight ands we would like to say a big thank you for all of your creations over the past few weeks. We have really enjoyed having you along with us.

La serie di esperimenti prosegue e oggi ho voluto creare un progetto 3D, l'ispirazione me l'ha data il timbro che usato del set Mini Motivation di Tim Holtz/Stampers Anonymous. Adoro tutti i set Motivation!
Ho pensato alle opportunità come contenitori da cui tirare fuori qualcosa e le bottigliette Idea-ology erano perfette. Le nuove Dolls sono fantastiche e far sedere una di queste sulle bottigliette è stato un collegamento mentale immediato!
Per dare colore al vetro ho usato gli Alcohol inks, non mi chiedete quali, perchè i colori sono frutto di mix vari!

The series of experiments continues and today I wanted to create a 3D project, I've taken my  inspiration from  Mini Motivation stamps set by Tim Holtz / Stampers Anonymous. I love all Motivation sets!
I thought about the opportunities as containers from which to pull out something and Idea-ology bottles were perfect. New Dolls are fantastic and  put  one of these on the bottles was an immediate mental connection!
To give color to the glass I used Alcohol inks, don't ask me what, because the colors you see  are the result of various mix!

Le farfalle sono tutte colorate  con Distress Oxides  ( anche le azzurre!) e tagliate con la Decorative strip Frenzy Butterflies e la classica Butterfly Movers & shapers. Con gli stessi colori ho preparato anche la base su cui ho timbrato  Mini Motivation con Simon Says Stamp Premium Dye Ink Pad Dark Chocolate Brown.

I've  colored  my butterflies with Distress Oxides  ( also the blue butterflies!) and I  cut them  using the strip Sizzix Tim Holtz Butterfly Frenzy Decorative strip and  Mini butteflies Movers and shapers. With the same colors I also prepared the base on which I stamped  Mini Motivation with Simon Says Stamp Premium Dye Ink Pad Dark Chocolate Brown.

Vi lascio un piccolo trucco che uso quando devo incollare i fili di metallo all'interno di qualcosa di stretto come le bottigliette.
Con un filo di metallo creo una piccola spirale con la pinza , piego il filo in modo che la spirale faccia da base e incollo con la colla a caldo! 

This is  a little trick I use when I have to glue the metal wires in something tight as the hole of the bottles. I create a small spiral with  metal wire and pliers, I fold the wire, so in this way the spiral becomes the base  to  paste with hot glue!

Per la base ho creato una piccola scatola con Vignette box e relativo Vignette panel, poi l'ho ricoperta con un foglio di patterned paper dal pad Lost and Found.
Ho schiarito il colore con uno strato di Picked fence Distress paint e ho evidenziato i contorni con Evergreen bough Distress Crayons.

I created my base with a  Vignette and its panel, then I covered it  with a sheet of patterned paper from  Lost and Found pad..
I've lightened the color with a layer of Picked fence Distress paint  and I highlighted the edges with Evergreen bough  Distress Crayons.

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP!
As always Simon Says Stamp will be giving away $50 voucher to shop at the fabulous Simon Says Stamp Store!
So now it’s YOUR turn to get out your inks, paints and all things arty and start creating! We are looking forward to seeing what you make!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

26 commenti:

Lorraine A ha detto...

Oh WOW!! this is absolutely fabulous Barbara!! It must have taken you ages to make this, but the whole creation is stunning! I love the colourful butterflies and flowers, so pretty :-)

Lols x x x

Beulah Bee ha detto...


Catherine ha detto...

Barbara, this is gorgeous! All the colors are fantastic and the elements are perfect together. Your project is so much fun, so cheerful and colorful. Amazing!

Cathie ♥

Marci ha detto...

Such beautiful butterflies and flowers you created!

pearshapedcrafting ha detto...

Oh My Barbara this is fantastic! Those colours sing!!! Chrisx

Linda Kunsman ha detto...

what a colorful and utterly delightful project!! It's been a pleasure creating beside you this past month and getting to know you better :)

Alice (scrAPpamondo) ha detto...

CHE MERAVIGLIAAAAA!!!! Pinnata subito!!!
Sono senza parole! Ogni dettaglio è a dir poco magnifico!! Pure le ruotine del carretto...! Una vera opera d'arte e i colori li adoroooo!!! Che spettacolo!!!

Paula Cheney ha detto...

such a fun pieces Barbara! I LOVE the multi-colored bottles and the Oxide butterflies! Really a fun piece and ready for SPRING!

SewPaperPaint ha detto...

What a super project! Big wow! You are so creative and this little 3D design is perfection! Hugs, Autumn

Redanne ha detto...

A totally inspired piece Barbara! I LOVE the gorgeous coloured bottles and the butterflies are so beautiful. Thanks for the great tip with the wire and bottles too. Stunning work! Hugs, Anne xx

Maureen Reiss ha detto...

Wow!! This is Fabulous!!!

cheiron ha detto...

I think this may be one of my favorite projects of yours EVER!!! So fun and colorful.

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Utterly delightful Barbara, I love the collection of bottles and butterflies together with the doll that sits brilliantly in the midst of them all. Pinned! Xxx

Macarena ha detto...

OMG! This is unbelievably beautiful! You totally rocked it. I love all the colors together which are sweet and warm. The Oxide colored butterflies are fantastic and I have no words about the bottles! AMAZING! Hugs, Marzena

Words and Pictures ha detto...

Sigh! Pure happiness in a project!!
Alison xx

WendyK ha detto...

Beautiful creation, love all the textures and glorious colours.

Nora ha detto...

Amazing!!! Love it!

Stephanie ha detto...

GORGEOUS project, Barabara! Love the bright palette! :)

Simon Says Stamp!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven ha detto...

PINNED!!! You have me at the different colored bottles and all the yummy color everywhere else with the boy. LOVE every detail!

Maura ha detto...

LOVE this! My favorite one yet!! What a wonderful mix of imagination and color and design! Love the bottles, and the sprigs coming out with the butterflies! ...and of course the boy. Then you put it on wheels and it became exceptional! hugs, Maura

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

Wow, wow, wow! You really outdid yourself on this piece! It is an absolute work of art. I love how you colored the bottles so beautifully and how you assembled everything perfectly. Plus, you are already an expert at using the Distress Oxides! Beautiful!!!

Emma Williams ha detto...

Such a wonderful, fun project and I love how you've used the Oxides to create such a rainbow of different colours which compliment the bottles and embellishments perfectly! Gorgeous piece of art my friend... <3

Kath Stewart ha detto...

wow you've done it again...created a delight to feast my eyes colourful and detailed...enjoy your weekend my friend...hugs kath xxx

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

Love love love this gorgeous piece, Barbara! The colors you created and those butterfly embellishments are amazing! Such a stunning design! :)

Anna-Karin ha detto...

Wow, Barbara, this is a really amazing project. It is so stunning. I love everything from the butterflies with the wires, all those colorful bottles, flowers and the whole design.

A Pink ha detto...

Amazing and to think this beauty was born from a set of motivation stamps - incredible Barbara. A real statement piece with a wonderful character .
hugs x

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