
venerdì 6 marzo 2020


Ciao a tutti!!! Aria di festeggiamenti su A Vintage Journey Challenge Blog perchè oggi è il nostro sesto compleanno! Confesso che sono molto felice di partecipare a questo giorno come Guida Creativa del Blog e ringrazio tutto il team per la possibilità che mi hanno dato di far parte di questo splendido gruppo! 
Sono una fan del Blog dal primo post che è stato pubblicato nel 2014 e se siete curiosi QUI trovate il primo post di A Vintage Journey e QUI trovate il progetto con il quale ho partecipato al primo Challenge!
Aspettiamo di vedere i vostri lavori negli stile che amiamo particolarmente: vintage, shabby, mixed media, art journaling, industrial, timeworn o steampunk.

Hi everyone!!! It's time for celebrations on A Vintage Journey Challenge Blog because today is our sixth birthday! I confess that I am very happy to participate in this day as a Creative Blog Guide and I thank the whole team for the opportunity they have given me to be part of this wonderful group!
I am a fan of this blog since the first post that was published in 2014 and if you are curious HERE you can find the first post of A Vintage Journey and HERE you can find the project with which I participated in the first Challenge!
We look forward to seeing your works in the styles we particularly love: vintage, shabby, mixed media, art journaling, industrial, timeworn or steampunk.

Ho scelto di realizzare un progetto 3D con la fustella Curio Box di Tim Holtz che mi piace veramente moltissimo!
Purtroppo è un periodo in cui mi manca il tempo per fare i tutorial fotografici, spero che il racconto di come "costruisco" i miei progetti vi piaccia ugualmente! Cominciamo
1- Per prima cosa riciclate una scatola di cereali e tagliate con la fustella Curio Box i pezzi che vi servono. Io uso le scatole dei cereali perchè hanno uno spessore perfetto, nè troppo sottili nè troppo grosse!
2- Scegliete la carta per rivestire la scatola e tagliate gli stessi pezzi in modo da poterli incollare sopra al cartoncino. Io ho scelto il pad Abandoned.
3- Preparate le basi di cartoncino Heaystock e colorate con Distress spray stain e Distress ink Pad.
4- Con il cartoncino metallico viola dal pad Metallic Jewels tagliate il motivo che poi incollerete su tutti i lati della scatola.ate
5- Scegliete foglie e fiori ( ovviamente per me tra le fustelle di Tim Holtz, in fondo la lista completa dei materiali come sempre!) e tagliate i pezzi che vi servono per comporre il vostro motivo.
6- Tagliate le farfalle da incollare all'interno della scatola poi componete la scatola e passate tutti i bordi con Distress Crayon Walnut Stain.
7-  Colorate un pochino di nastro di seta per coprire i due piccoli rocchetti di legno che fanno da supporto alla scatola e incollateli al fondo della stessa.
8- A questo punto completate componendo il motivo sul davanti e aggiungendo le Dolls e il numero 6 sull'angolo destro della scatola.
Il progetto è facila da realizzare e anche abbastanza veloce, spero di essere stata chiare nei passaggi che vi ho indicato.
Eccovi i dettagli

I chose to make a 3D project with Tim Holtz's Curio Box die that I really like!
Unfortunately, it is a period in which I lack the time to do the photo tutorials, I hope you like the story of "I build" my projects anyway!
Let's start
1- First, recycle a box of cereals and cut the pieces you need with the Curio Box die. I use the cereal boxes because they have a perfect thickness, neither too thin nor too thick!
2- Choose the paper to cover the box and cut the same pieces so that you can glue them on the cardboard. I chose the Abandoned pad.
3- Prepare the bases of Heaystock cardboard and paint them with Distress spray stain and Distress ink Pad.
4- With the metallic purple cardstock from the Metallic Jewels pad cut the motif which you will then glue on all sides of the box.
5- Choose leaves and flowers (obviously for me among Tim Holtz's dies, basically the complete list of materials as always!) And cut the pieces you need to compose your motif.
6- Cut the butterflies to be glued inside the box then compose the box and highlight all the edges with Distress Crayon Walnut Stain.
7- Color a little silk tape to cover the two small wooden spools that support the box and so glue them to the bottom of the box.
8- At this point, complete by composing the motif on the front and adding the Paper Dolls and the number 6 on the right corner of the box.
The project is easy and also quite fast, I hope I have been clear in the steps I have indicated to you.
Here are the details

Spero vi sia piaciuta la mia Curio Box e vi aspettiamo in tantissimi per festeggiare con noi il compleanno di A Vintag Journey Challenge Blog!
Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo presto qui!

I hope you enjoyed my Curio Box and we are waiting for your projects to celebrate the birthday of A Vintage Journey Challenge Blog with us!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

8 commenti:

  1. What a beautiful curio box you have created Barbara! I love the colors you used, those wonderful flowers and the 3 women obviously happy to be together and celebrating this great occasion!! The ribbon wrapped spool legs are so fun! xx

  2. First, how lovely to take a trip down memory lane to that very first Vintage Journey post, and to your first project entered for the challenge... and now you're here on the team with us - a happy day all round when you came on board for the journey.

    Your Curio Box is sensational - the colourful flowers frame the aperture beautifully, and I love peering inside to catch a glimpse of that fabulous vintage text and the butterflies hovering around. You're quite right about what a happy team it is (though I'm not sure how happy the woman on the right is about being here!). Happy birthday to us!!
    Alison x

  3. Barbara your little curio box is an utter delight and has come together beautifully. I adore all the elements you have chosen to use and the gorgeous colours, this is purely a box of delights and a wonderful celebratory project for our 6th birthday. We have an amazing team and it's wonderful you are part of it.
    Thanks for celebrating another year of the AVJ blog and your beautiful art.
    hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Such a stunning make! I love the colours and images that you chose, they make me so happy and this curio box really feels joyful to me just like a celebration 😁. I so enjoyed looking back at AVJ first challenge and your first art entry at AVJ with you too, thanks so much for sharing! Wishing you a happy weekend! Happy birthday wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Saw this on Instagram Barbara and loved it x It’s lovely to read the step by step too xx Wonderful details such a delight to view xx
    Hugs Annie xx

  6. Wow, Barbara - what fabulous colors you've used here! So festive and spring-like! And I love the paper you chose for the back inside of the curio box - I can't wait to get that die; apparently held up in the mail :-(. Have thought about you and your mom, and everyone in your country - I send best wishes for good health all round, and thank you for sharing your incredible creativity and beautiful makes here and SSS, Love them all! xx Lynn

  7. What a beauty to behold, so many added layers and texture to examine all magnificently displayed. Thank you for sharing this ray of light with us all.
    Creative wishes Tracey x

  8. What gorgeous bright colours, and imaginative use of the curio box die. I love the ladies dangling their feet off the bottom of the box. Perfect birthday project. 6 years of Vintage Journey is certainly worth celebrating you have been an inspiration to many. Thanks to team current and past. x


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