
venerdì 7 febbraio 2020


Ciao a tutti! Sono davvero contenta di presentarvi la sfida del mese di Febbraio di A Vintage Journey Blog! Il nostro tema è Against  the grain e ce la propone Sara Emily! Questa la descrizione che vi può aiutare a trovare l'ispirazione per il vostro progetto!
"La maggior parte di noi ama l'aspetto del legno e ci sono molti prodotti che ci aiutano a ottenere bellissime venature, tra cui timbri, stencils, embossing folders, carta e prodotti per Mixed media. Ci piacerebbe vedere come aggiungi un tocco di  legno o di finto legno   ai tuoi progetti vintage, mixed media, grunge, art journal  o steampunk. "

Hello everyone! I'm very happy to present to you the February challenge on A Vintage Journey Blog! Our theme is Against the grain suggested by  Sara Emily! This is the description that can help you find inspiration for your project!
"Most of us love the look of wood and there are a lot of art/craft products out there that help us achieve beautiful wood grain, including stamps, stencils, embossing folders, paper and mixed media products. We would love to see how you add a touch of wood texture or appearance to your vintage, shabby, mixed media, art journaling, industrial, timeworn or steampunk projects."

In questo momento avrete notato che sono lievemente ossessionata dalla fustella Heartbeat di Tim Holtz! Ho deciso di fare una card per San Valentino e ho usato la texture del legno sia per il background sia per il centro della card.

At this moment you will have noticed that I am slightly obsessed with Tim Holtz's Heartbeat Die! I decided to make a card for Valentine's Day and I used the texture of the wood for both the background and the center of the card.

Breve spiegazione di come ho realizzato il progetto.
A short explanation of how I made the project.

1) Ho iniziato con un foglio di Distress Woodgrain Paper che ha già le venature del legno e una consistenza tipo la carta da acquarello.
2) Ho steso la texture paste al centro attraverso lo stencil Bricked e ho lasciato asciugare all'aria.
3) Ho scelto alcuni dei miei colori preferiti  nella versione Distress Oxides sprays:Weathered wood, Broken China e ho spruzzato e aggiustato il colore finchè non ne sono stata soddisfatta utilizzando anche Distress Crayon Picket Fence.
4) Con alcuni Distress  Crayons ( lista materiali in fondo al post) ho evidenziato i bordi e alcune parti a random.
5) Per creare l'effetto legno sul cuore tagliato con la fustella Heartbeat ho preso un foglio di Heavystock e ho timbrato con Versamark il timbro finto legno del set Lumberjack e utillizato la polever da embossing Clear per creare l'effetto resist.
6) A questo punto ho spruzzato Distress Oxides Vintage Photo, Frayed Burlap e Antique linen evidenziando così le finte venature del legno.
7) Ho aggiunto le Dolls, le farfalle di Prima Marketing  e la frase dal pack Idea-ology Clipping Sticker book e un piccolo cuore tagliato con la fustella Heartbeat e ricoperto con Gilding Flakes (e sì sono ossessionata anche da questi!)

1) I started with a sheet of Distress Woodgrain Paper that has wood grain and a texture like watercolor paper.
2) I spread the paste texture in the center through the Bricked stencil and let it air dry.
3) I chose some of my favorite colors in the Distress Oxides sprays version: Weathered Wood, Broken China and I sprayed and adjusted the colors until I was satisfied with it also using Distress Crayon Picket Fence.
4) With some Distress Crayons (list of materials at the bottom of the post) I highlighted the edges and some parts in a random way.
5) To create the wood effect on the heart cut with the Heartbeat die I took a sheet of Heavystock and stamped the fake wood with  Lumberjack set by Tim Holtz using Versamark and the embossing powder Clear to create the resist effect.
6) At this point, I sprayed Distress Oxides Vintage Photo, Frayed Burlap, and Antique linen highlighting the fake wood grain.
7) I added the Dolls, Prima Marketing butterflies and the phrase from the Idea-ology Clipping Sticker Book pack and a small heart cut with the Heartbeat die and covered with Gilding Flakes (and yes I am obsessed with them too!)

Spero vi sia piaciuto! State connessi perchè la prossima settimana ci sarà un extra post con una delle mie card per Creativation!
Vi aspettiamo con i vostri progetti su A Vintage Journey Blog, se volete ispirarvi fate un salto ad ammirare i lavori delle nostre meravigliose Creative Guides!
Grazie per essere passati ci vediamo qui presto!

I hope you liked it! Stay tuned because next week there will be an extra post with one of my Creativation cards!
We are waiting for you with your projects on A Vintage Journey Blog, if you want to take inspiration, take a look at the works of our wonderful Creative Guides!
Thanks for stopping by, see you here soon!

5 commenti:

  1. Barbara, as always, I am left speechless by your creative use of your mixed media products! Wood grain paper never fails and I love the blue tones you've used to bring out the design. But that wood grain heart at the center just steals the show in my opinion! I'm so going to try this! Thank you so much for your unending inspiration and hard work to outline your steps! It's been wonderful having you as a teammate, even if our time was brief. Big hugs! Sara Emily

  2. Such a beautiful card! I love the colour combination, textures and rusty elements and the woodgrain looks so amazing on both the background and the heart - perfect 😁. Happy February! Hugs, Jo x

  3. I'm always in awe of how you seem to be able to get colours to glow, Barbara - even when you're working with dark tones, shadow, or grungy textures, you still get this fabulous vivid look. The textures here are really amazing - I really love the brick/wood combination in the background. And the metallic butterflies have made my day - I may have to go out with a "butterfly net" to see if I can catch some of those!! That's a great Paper Doll couple too - not sure I've seen them before, so maybe they're in one of the newer packs. A fabulous card altogether.
    Alison x

  4. Gorgeous Barbara, love the woodgrain background with the added texture of the texture paste and the woodgrain effect on that lovely heart is perfection. Thanks so much for sharing it, Deb xo

  5. A really gorgeous card Barbara, the wood effects look amazing and I love the composition, colours and wow, that butterfly!! Fantastic!


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