
lunedì 5 febbraio 2018


Ciao a tutti e benvenuti ad un'altra settimana sul Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!
Primo challenge del mese di Febbraio e quindi come sempre abbiamo un marchio in vetrina! Oggi si tratta di Carabelle Studio Products e tutto il Design Team ha lavorato con questi prodotti! Se andate sul nostro blog potrete vedere la diversità e la varietà di utilizzo  di questi prodotti nei progetti delle nostre Designers! Non è necessario usare prodotti Carabelle per partecipare alla sfida, ma se li possedete sarebbe bello vedere come li utilizzate!
Argomento settimanale: Love is in the air! E come poteva essere diverso????
Oggi cambio della guardia anche per la nostra Designer Spotlight! Diamo il benvenuto alla splendida e super talentuosa Stacy Hutchinson, aka Tattered Nest Designs. Se non avete visitato il blog di Stacy, allora fatelo subito, i suoi progetti sono sempre strepitosi!

Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge
Thank you for joining us for the Resist It Challenge and we hope you will join in with us this week too!
This week we are challenging you to create something with love Love Is In The Air!
This week we are showcasing Carabelle Studio Products, you don’t have to use them to join in, but if you have them we would love to see them used.
This week we are welcoming the lovely and super talented Stacy Hutchinson, aka Tattered Nest Designs into the Designer Spotlight. If you haven’t visited Stacy’s blog then you are in for a real treat! Please pop by to say Hi!

Con San Valentino dietro l'angolo questa settimana la scelta del progetto è caduta su una card! Chi non fa almeno una card per questa festa??? E quindi eccola!

With Valentine's Day around the corner this week the choice of the project was mandatory: a card! Who does not make at least one card for this day ??? And so here it is!

Ho usato per il background un foglio di Heavystock con la fustella da embossing Grand Cercles di Carabelle Studio. Ho lavorato con diversi Distress oxides nella gamma dei rossi, arancio.... poi una volta ottenuto il risultato che volevo ho steso uno strato di Distress medium Collage Matte.
A questo punto ho scelto qualche Distress Crayons  sempre nella gamma dei rossi /arancio ( quello più scuro è Aged Mahogany uno dei miei colori preferiti!) e ho evidenziato gli angoli, i bordi e qualche parte dell'embossing in rilievo.

For the background I used a Heavystock sheet with the Carabelle Studio Grand Cercles embossing folder. I worked with different Distress oxides in the range of reds, orange .... then once I got the result  I spread a layer of Distress medium Collage Matte.
At this point I chose some Distress Crayons in the red / orange range (the darker one is Aged Mahogany one of my favorite colors!) and I highlighted the corners, the edges and some embossed parts.

Come potete vedere il sentiment è assolutamente a tema, estratto dal pack Idea ology Clippings stickers Paperie. Il cuore anch'esso Idea ology è coperto da uno strato di Rose Gold Metallique Wax di Prima Marketing.

As you can see the sentiment is absolutely themed, extracted from the Idea ology Clippings stickers Paperie pack. The heart, also Idea ology, is covered by a layer of Rose Gold Metallique Wax by Prima Marketing.

Per la cornice circolare ho mischiato varie polveri da embossing ( lista completa dei materiali in fondo come sempre) e l'effetto che ho ottenuto mi è piaciuto ma.... era troppo lucido!  Quindi ho utilizzato il Distress Collage medium matte per opacizzarlo e ottenere il risultato che volevo.

For the frame I mixed various  embossing powders  (complete list of materials at the bottom as always) and the effect I got I liked it but .... it was too shiny! So I thought that Distress Collage medium matte can was able to correct this  it and get the result I wanted. Done!

Ho tirato fuori dalle mie scorte la scatole dei pizzi e delle passamenerie, tutti tigorosamente davvero vintage, trovati in casa da vari parenti o donati da persone che sanno di questa mia passione!

I took from my own stuff the box that contains lace and passamenerie, all of them really vintage, found at home by various relatives or donated by people who know of my passion!

Eccovi un dettaglio della mia scatola!
This is a detail of my box!

Per i fiori ho scelto i piccoli bouquet bianchi di Idea-ology  e li ho tinti con Distress stain spray, foglie rigorosamente Tim Holtz Sizzix!

For the flowers I chose the white bouquets by Idea-ology and I dyed them with Distress stain spray,  Tim Holtz Sizzix dies for my leaves!

Con questa card partecipo al Challenge Melt it su A Vintage Journey.
With this card I take part in  A Vintage Journey Challenge Melt it!

Ora tocca a voi! Come sempre partecipando alla nostra sfida potrete vincere un buono a estrazione da 50$ da spendere sul favoloso store di SIMON SAYS STAMP!
As always Simon Says Stamp will be giving away $50 voucher to shop at the fabulous Simon Says Stamp Store!
So now it’s YOUR turn to get out your inks, paints and all things arty and start creating! We are looking forward to seeing what you make!


Se usate Instagram potete aggiungere #sssmchallenge così potremo vedere i vostri lavori!
Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #sssmchallenge so we can see your entries there too!

Ci sono favolosi Giveaways e ispirazioni  ogni giorno dai nostri  favolosi designer su  Simon Says Stamp Blog, se non l'avete ancora fatto iscrivetevi via  e-mail per essere sempre aggiornati.
Avete tempo fino a Lunedi 08:00 ora Ohio. 13:00 UK tempo, 14:00 CET per postare i vostri lavori!
Saranno scelti alcuni progetti come Designer Spotlight , essi riceveranno uno special badge da aggiungere al loro blog! Potete leggere tutte le regole  per partecipare alla sfida  sul nostro blog nella side-bar!

There are fabulous Give Aways and inspiration from fabulous designers on a daily basis over on the Simon Says Stamp Blog , if you haven’t subscribed by email you may want to so you don’t miss out
You have until Monday  8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in
We will also be choosing 3 of our entries to put in the spotlight – a special honor where we talk about why we loved that entry in particular and award a special badge too! For the full rules, read the “challenge rules” posted in the side-bar here on our blog.

Grazie per essere passati, ci vediamo qui presto!
Thanks for stopping by, see you soon here!

25 commenti:

  1. YUM!!! LOVE that dotted background and all the coloration. Gorgeous flowers too...beautiful!

  2. A stunning Valentine card Barbara, I love that Carabelle embossing folder, it really draw the eye to the couple and the colours you have used are gorgeous. The lace is a lovely touch too! Hugs, Anne xx

  3. Gorgeous vintage valentine, Barbara! I love they wonderful range of pinks and reds you used with this, and the couple look beautiful centered in all of those circles. Love the bouquet of flowers you added and lace - it adds to the vintage feel. Gorgeous, my friend! hugs, Maura

  4. beautiful card Barbara - the colors are just fantastic!

  5. Oh Barbara, this is amazing. The textures and the deep, rich red and pink colors are amazing. I love the vintage trims and beautiful flowers for the finishing touch. This is so pretty!

    Cathie ♥

  6. Just perfect! I am mesmerized by color changing circles and your critical placement of the brown one. The lights and darks, muted florals and lacy textures--is really is just perfect!

  7. A parte la bellezza senza tempo di questa card....vogliamo parlare di quei pizzi??? Meravigliosi...e tu bravissima come sempre!

  8. Love this card Barbara! Your creations are always a treat!

  9. Gorgeous Barbara, I love the texture and fantastic colour combination. Love the heart around her neck. Beautiful piece. Tracy x

  10. Gorgeous card Barbara, the couple are so cute and I love the colours and embossed details, the flower arrangement and lace are beautiful. The whole design is stunning! LOVE it :-)

    Lols x x x

  11. What a gorgeous card you have created for Valentine's day Barbara! LOVE the colors you used, that wonderful embossing folder - the embossed frame and lovely couple with the heart necklace and beautiful array of flowers and leaves! thank you for joining us in the A Vintage Journey Melt It challenge! Julia xx

  12. Barbara, I saw this over at SSS and instantly fell in love! The rich colors, the frame, the texture, the beautiful couple and those sweet flowers! All such lovely details combined into a stunning Valentine card! I'm so thrilled you shared it with us at A Vintage Journey; perfect for our Melt It theme! Hugs! Sara Emily

  13. Oh that color palette! Totally awesome! So vintage and still sweet. I love the card looks so thick and heavy with all the endless layers. The couple picture makes your card so romantic. Hugs, Marzena

  14. Really neat project, Barbara! I love the red gradient tones and all the texture!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  15. Beautiful card! The vintage style looks so romantic and the texture of the paper embossed card is so pretty 😁. Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a happy weekend! J 😊

  16. Rich with color and texture-Stunning!

  17. Oh Barbara! You always make me want to buy new products because I see how skillfully you use them. I love, love, LOVE the way you used that circle embossing folder. So clever, like usual!

  18. Che card meravigliosa! Bellissimi i fiori e los fondo è spettacolare!

  19. Sara il colore, sara la composizione, sara la texture, saranno i fiori...non lo so, ma è una card semplicemente bellissima! J adore !

  20. A truly beautiful card with so much depth and detail...the texture is amazing and I love the richness of colour! It's just wonderful my friend and something to be treasured and admired! <3

  21. just amazing my friend, love how you used the circle embossing folder and the colours are divine, hugs kath xxx

  22. Wow.. this is such a gorgeous creation, Barbara. Love the beautiful texture and all the embellishments you made on this card. Great inspiration!! :)

  23. Such a gorgeous card, Barbara! Love the red embossed background! The vintage couple looks amazing, and love the pieces of lace! Hugs, Sandra

  24. Just popped back to say thanks so much for joining in our Melt It challenge at A Vintage Journey. Hugs, Anne xx

  25. What a beautiful card Barbara, love everything about it! Thank you for joining us at A Vintage Journey for our Melt It! challenge, Deb xo


Welcome ! Thanks for your visit!